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« Dioxyde de chlore : l’antidote universel ? » – Liste des études CDS

« Dioxyde de chlore : l’antidote universel ? » – Liste des études CDS

Cela fait plusieurs mois que le mot « CDS » gravite autour de la rédaction de Nexus qui vient de sortir un dossier dans son numéro 151. CDS comme solution de dioxyde de chlore, un remède prétendument miracle que des milliers de personnes utilisent pour soigner tout et tout le monde, humains et animaux et plantes… Quelle est donc cette substance aux propriétés étonnantes ? Mode d’action, découvreurs, détracteurs… : plongée au cœur d’une thérapie non conventionnelle aussi prometteuse que controversée.

En complément de ce dossier paru dans Nexus n° 151, voici la liste des publications examinées par les pairs sur le CDS et le Covid-19 (et les maladies apparentées) chez l’humain.

• An International Consensus Report on SARS-Cov-2, COVID-19, and the Immune System: An
Orthomolecular View
International Society for Orthomolecular Medicine ISSN:0834-4825

• Chlorine Dioxide in COVID-19: Hypothesis about the Possible Mechanism of Molecular Action in SARS-CoV-2
Molecular and Genetic Medicine ISSN: 1747-0862

• A New Perspective for Prevention and to Cure COVID-19 Patients: Encouraging Medical Teams to
Contact Healed People Treated with Chlorine Dioxide in Solution (CDS)
Integrative Journal of Medical Sciences (ISSN: 2658-8218)

• Determination of the Effectiveness of Chlorine Dioxide in the Treatment of COVID-19
Molecular and Genetic Medicine (ISSN: 1747-0862)

• Chlorine Dioxide as an Alternative Treatment for COVID-19
Journal of infectious disease and therapy. ISSN: 2332-0877

• A Retrospective Observational Study of Chlorine Dioxide Effectiveness to Covid19-like Symptoms
Prophylaxis in Relatives Living with COVID19 Patients

• Molecular interaction and inhibition of SARS-CoV-2 binding to the ACE2 receptor
Nature communications chemistry selections (ISSN :2188-5044)

• COVID19 Long Term Effects in Patients Treated with Chlorine Dioxide
International journal of multidisciplinary research and analysis (ISSN :2643-9875)

• Comparative study of hyperpure chlorine dioxide with two other irrigants regarding the viability of
periodontal ligament stem cells
Springer (ISSN: 2627-8626)

• MRSA eradication using chlorine dioxide
Journal of Bacteriology & Mycology (ISSN: 2469-2786)

• Efficacy and Safety Evaluation of a Chlorine Dioxide Solution
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (ISSN

• Chlorine Dioxide Is a Size-Selective Antimicrobial Agent
PLOS ONE (ISSN: 1932-6203)

• Inactivation of influenza virus haemagglutinin by chlorine dioxide: oxidation of the conserved tryptophan 153 residue in the receptor-binding site
Journal of General Virology (ISSN: 1465-2099)

• Can chlorine dioxide prevent the spreading of coronavirus or other viral infections?
Medical hypotheses
Akadémiai Kiadó (ISSN: 2061-4705)

• Inactivation of human and simian rotaviruses by chlorine dioxide
American Society for Microbiology (“ASM”) (ISSN: 0196-8254)

• Controlled Clinical Evaluations of Chlorine Dioxide, Chlorite and Chlorate in Man
Environmental Health Perspectives (EHP) (ISSN: 1542-6351)

• Clinical and microbiological efficacy of chlorine dioxide in the management of
chronic atrophic candidiasis: an open study
Int Dent J. 2004 Jun;54(3):154-8. Mohammad AR, Giannini PJ, Preshaw PM, Alliger H.
doi: 10.1111/j.1875-595x.2004.tb00272.x. PMID: 15218896.

• Denaturation of Protein by Chlorine Dioxide: Oxidative Modification of Tryptophan and Tyrosine Residues
Biochemistry ACS PUB ISSN: 1044-5099

• Chlorine dioxide inhibits the replication of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus by blocking viral attachment
Elsevier (ISSN :0922-3444)

• Effects of Chlorine Dioxide on Oral Hygiene – A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Current pharmaceutical design (ISSN :1873-4286)

• Kinetics and Mechanisms of Chlorine Dioxide and Chlorite Oxidations of Cysteine and Glutathione
Inorg. Chem. ACS PUB (ISSN: 1044-5099)

• The 40–80 nt Region in the 50 -NCR of Genome Is a Critical Target for Inactivating Poliovirus by
Chlorine Dioxide
Journal of Medical Virology (ISSN :1096-9071)

• Investigation on virucidal activity of chlorine dioxide. Experimental data on Feline calicivirus, HAV and Coxsackie B5
Journal of preventive medicine and hygiene (ISSN:1121-2233)

• Kinetics and Mechanism of Bacterial Disinfection by Chlorine Dioxide
American Society for Microbiology (ISSN: 0569-7603)

• Study on the resistance of severe acute respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus
Elsevier (ISSN :0922-3444)

• Protective effect of low-concentration chlorine dioxide
Journal of General Virology (ISSN :1465-2099)

• Can nasal irrigation with chlorine dioxide be considered as a potential alternative therapy for
respiratory infectious diseases? The example of COVID-19

• Infection Prevention and Tissue Repair in Skin Lesions Using Treatments
Based on a Chlorine Dioxide Solution: Case Studies

• Toxicity of the spike protein of COVID-19 is a redox shift phenomenon: A novel therapeutic
A novel solar-activated chlorine dioxide process for atrazine degradation in drinking water

👉 Lire notre dossier sur le CDS dans notre n° 151 (mars-avril 2024) :

👉 Voir notre entretien vidéo avec le créateur du CDS, Andreas Kalcker :



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